Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 4

Going strong...and still no cravings. Amazing! Had my first moment of being irrationally hungry, which used to happen alll the time, today and fixed it with a fruit/spinach smoothie.
Seriously - in grade school I used to keep flour tortillas and american cheese in plastic baggies in my backpack and tear little pieces off to eat constantly, in every class, every day. (No wonder I was a little beefy...) Ask my mom.

Of note - do not put apples in your just turns into applesauce. Tasty flavor, but not so great texture.

I finished the baby sweater! It's a little disproportionate but I love it anyway. I'll ship it off to my cousin this week and have her update me on measurements for her little guy. Pictures to follow!

Lost 4 pounds (of water I'm sure) and counting...I'll be keeping an eye on this as I don't really want to lose any more. Strange, since I literally eat as much as a I can all the time, and load everything with avocado, full fat coconut milk, and olive oil. Haven't been very hungry since yesterday though. Making myself eat...

1 comment:

  1. YOU FINISHED THE BABY SWEATER?? Send me a picture, as soon as possible!! So proud of you love dove <3
