Happy Saturday yaayy!
Today I've decided to dress up, put on the good gold jewelry, and hit the kitchen to make herbed peasant bread and any number of other experiments. The bread is a gift for a classmate of mine who is being kind enough to be my ride to the hospital for the week while my car is in the shop. (thanks max!!!) ...I'll make a little roll for my man too ;)
also on the agenda: cabbage chips, and coconut jello
the cabbage chips are awesome! I've read recipes for kale crisps but only had red cabbage so I thought I'd give it a go. They're only about half crispy but they are Delicious and def satisfy the snack craving!!! I'll be making some eggplant dip to go with I think. And
even though I won't be eating the bread today it feels soo good to get my hands on some dough. There's nothing like kneading to wash away stress- especially the part where you "shock" the dough by slamming it on the counter or back and forth in your hands! Which works wonders on relaxing it if it gets too stiff to knead.
I'm taking pictures but until I get my computer fixed I can't get them posted. Can't wait to share!
Get outside today everyone- it's gorgeous. I'll be taking a walk into town soon :)
Cannot wait to see the pictures!!!!! Love you gorgeous.