Friday, February 25, 2011

Aspiring to be like Mt. Fuji

I have so much more to learn, so much perspective to acquire.

It is only by remembering this that we continue pushing ourselves: stagnation is death.
I must not hesitate, nor ever be bored. Nor will I expect so much of myself that life becomes a chore. What a crime to transform the miracle of life into a task of drudgery!

Today's lessons are childhood depression, spondyloarthropathies, forcing discipline in presence, and taking some time to be Still.

Being Still is an excellent way to be like Mt. Fuji

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Italian Day!

Happy Saturday yaayy!
Today I've decided to dress up, put on the good gold jewelry, and hit the kitchen to make herbed peasant bread and any number of other experiments. The bread is a gift for a classmate of mine who is being kind enough to be my ride to the hospital for the week while my car is in the shop. (thanks max!!!) ...I'll make a little roll for my man too ;)

also on the agenda: cabbage chips, and coconut jello

the cabbage chips are awesome! I've read recipes for kale crisps but only had red cabbage so I thought I'd give it a go. They're only about half crispy but they are Delicious and def satisfy the snack craving!!! I'll be making some eggplant dip to go with I think. And
even though I won't be eating the bread today it feels soo good to get my hands on some dough. There's nothing like kneading to wash away stress- especially the part where you "shock" the dough by slamming it on the counter or back and forth in your hands! Which works wonders on relaxing it if it gets too stiff to knead.

I'm taking pictures but until I get my computer fixed I can't get them posted. Can't wait to share!

Get outside today everyone- it's gorgeous. I'll be taking a walk into town soon :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life is hard- Get a helmet.

So I'm having a bad day. But you know what?

I didn't crave the Bucket of soggy raspberry pastries in the call room this morning.
I wasn't mad when the resident came in loaded down with boxes of quality chocolates.
And I was reminded what I'm working so hard for- lecture on childhood obesity today.

You know what the conclusion was?

Put the overwieght 8 year olds with high cholesterol on statins.
Not make schools have the MINIMUM required hour of activity because 20 minutes is cheaper.
Not educate our parents so they understand that decisions now effect our future.
Not make schools serve real food to our children because potato smiles and strawberry milk are, what, more fun? Is our entire nation one big bad parent who can't say no to the screaming kid in the candy aisle? My God. What are we doing? Where are we going?

In any case- still strong on Paleo. Still going strong in medical school.

Life is hard- get a helmet.
Knowledge and purpose make great armor.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One week!

Made an awesome dinner of jerk chicken (borrowed from my man's stockpile because he's way better at doing chicken than I am), caramelized brussel sprouts, and Cajun sweet potato fries!

The fries were DELICIOUS:
I put the potato in the microwave for 5-6 minutes to mostly cook it first (I'm on a time crunch)
then chop them into thick fry shapes and toss them in a hot skillet with a few tablespoons of olive oil, add whatever seasoning, and toss them around every minute or so until they're soft and toasty!


Once I get my computer back online I can do some food porn, until then you'll just have to imagine it ;)

one week down and going strong, especially once I added some starchy foods back since I wasn't feeling too hot without them.

No exciting dinner tonight- on call until 10pm so if I'm lucky I'll get to my leftovers at some point.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 4

Going strong...and still no cravings. Amazing! Had my first moment of being irrationally hungry, which used to happen alll the time, today and fixed it with a fruit/spinach smoothie.
Seriously - in grade school I used to keep flour tortillas and american cheese in plastic baggies in my backpack and tear little pieces off to eat constantly, in every class, every day. (No wonder I was a little beefy...) Ask my mom.

Of note - do not put apples in your just turns into applesauce. Tasty flavor, but not so great texture.

I finished the baby sweater! It's a little disproportionate but I love it anyway. I'll ship it off to my cousin this week and have her update me on measurements for her little guy. Pictures to follow!

Lost 4 pounds (of water I'm sure) and counting...I'll be keeping an eye on this as I don't really want to lose any more. Strange, since I literally eat as much as a I can all the time, and load everything with avocado, full fat coconut milk, and olive oil. Haven't been very hungry since yesterday though. Making myself eat...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 2

So I've embarked on the Paleo 30 day challenge. Day 1 went well!
Breakfast: Rosemary veal with mushrooms and onions + dried figs
Lunch: rest of veal dish + can of tuna on lettuce + 3 carrots + apple
Dinner: crockpot stew of veal, can of tomatoes, garlic cloves, and potato + taggliatelle

Today...feeling great, lots of energy. Not enough sleep (gotta work on that)
Breakfast: leftover stew + apple + peanut butter
Lunch: chicken + spinach + broccoli

Neurology test today..wish me luck!

Other current projects:
- knitting a baby sweater courtesy of a wonderful patient I met in accupuncture clinic. She said she had a great pattern, I responded with a polite thank you but I can only knit squares and rectangles. She assured me that's all it takes...and she was right! Well on my way to a functional and decently attractive baby sweater.

- re-learning piano. Feels amazing. Note to self: don't attempt to learn new songs before reestablishing foundations. Fur Elise, The Rose, and the musical score of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

- exercise! Yaay! Mostly circuit training...with a stationary bike, hula hoop, weights, pushups, situps, and yoga.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Finding Joy

Dear Friend,

In the eternal Search, which each of us must pursue whether consciously or no, I have fallen upon that mighty art form- the Blog. I was in need of a new and portable homebase to record my various findings. Not that I presume anyone else is in need of a written record of attempted Thai soups, moving patient stories, and inspirational quotes...but maybe. So here I will record the sundry events of my everyday life which entertain or move me, in the hopes that perhaps some may do the same for you.

Welcome to the insides of my brain- at various times medical student, cook, poet, and friend; I am a lover of all things beautiful, delicious, and vibrant.

Current mission: Paleo.

Catch you on the flip side :)

All my love,